For The Love of Star Wars Cosplay!

Ever since Star Wars was first released back in 1977 fans have fallen in love with George Lucas’ epic space opera. 43 years later and eight films later (excluding the stand-alone movies) the franchise continues to have a huge level of fandom, some just love the movies and all the accompanying merchandise, but others take their fandom even further and dress up as some of their favourite characters from the franchise.

So we asked some of the local cosplayers here in Ireland to get in touch and tell us about why they like to cosplay as some of their favourite characters from the movies.

Cian O Ceallachain

My name is Cian O Ceallachain, and I am a teacher/theatre director who works for the website Geek Ireland. my fiancé (Stevie Walls) and I frequently attend conventions, and last year we dressed up as Thrawn (Star Wars: Rebels) and the Death Star (the artist Mannequin Blue painted Stevie’s baby bump!)

We were drawn to these characters because we love creating costumes, and we have a special fondness for the Star Wars Universe! We both grew up living Star Wars, and it probably had no small part in why our friends set us up together!

Gratifyingly, we came third in the costume competition with my brother Lorcan (Pictured playing Director Krennic from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) and Stevie’s bump art was featured on the BBC documentary Real Life Superheroes with Ed Byrne.

Joanne Alexander (Hedgescout)

This is HedgeScout the Biker Scout. Her hobbies are posing for photos and the murder of tiny Ewoks everywhere. She’s nimble on her feet and can sit down, much to the jealously of Stormtroopers who can’t because of their plastic bums. True story!

This is my TIE pilot. Although all flights are grounded at the moment, she enjoys studying and planning ways to kill millions of X-Wing Pilots. Her hates are Rebel Scum and people calling her Vader.

This is Sabine Wren, a fearsome Manadalorian and artist who enjoys vanadalising all available surfaces with her art. She enjoys shooting Imperial Scum and wearing as many belts as feasible on one outfit

David ‘CBG’ Campbell

Everyone wants to be a Jedi, right? You are the wisest, most powerful person in the room most of the time (Unless Yoda is about) and you get to wear cool robes. 

Colin Watt

Colin Watt, Belfast. Jedi Knight for the Emerald Garrison, and trains younglings in the ways of the Force, with the Jedi Academy.

I’m am 45 years old, living in Belfast. I’ve been cosplaying for almost 9 years. The Jedi character I do is a generic Jedi, and I teach “younglings” in the ways of the force (including lightsaber skills), in the Force Training Academy with The Emerald Garrison.

I really enjoy being the Jedi ( I also do a Sith Lord as well for Sith Training), as the kids really enjoy seeing Star Wars brought to real life.

Joanne Donaghey (Imperial Stormtrooper TK30393)

I am 50 (never too old to cosplay lol ) and I live in Belfast. I have been cosplaying for about 5 years now. I have many different costumes but my TK is my favourite

I first saw Star Wars Episode IV when it was first released back in 1977 and I was hooked!!!!! I’ve loved Stormtroopers ever since and actually can’t believe sometimes that I actually am one now

And yes at 5’2 I am “a little short for a Stormtrooper”!

Thanks to everyone who got in touch with us! From all of us here at Banter HQ have a great Star Wars Day! Albeit one from the safety of your own home!